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1 search results for Pavetta crassipes in .
No.Vernacular NamesTaxonHandbook VolumeThumbnail PreviewLink
1White pavetta, bride's bush (En). Bois de pintade (Fr). Indonesia: soka (Sundanese). Malaysia: jarum-jarum, nyarum-nyarum, gading-gading. Philippines: gusokan (Cebu Bisaya), pangapatolen (Iloko), kotbu (Igorot). Laos: kho som kang, kho som kao. Thailand: khem paa (central, northern). Vietnam: thanh t[as]o r[uwf]ng, d[oj]t s[af]nh, c[awr]ng g[af].Pavetta indica12(2): Medicinal and poisonous plants 2Pavetta indica L. - 1, leafy twig; 2, inflorescence; 3, young flower
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